The fabulous Alan Dedicoat braved Storm Darragh to come all the way to Catbrook for another of his brilliant quizzes to raise money for Children in Need. Catbrook village was in the middle of what turned out to be nearly a 24 hour power cut, so with torches, candles and the genius idea of running some power off a resident's electric car, the quiz was able to continue.
A full hall of brave souls turned out with woolies and torches expecting limited joy but instead had a fantastic atmospheric with car-powered fairy lights and everything full steam ahead!!

Our star Host Alan Dedicoat pulled out all the stops to let us hear the questions clearly despite limited electronics and Mark and Phil manned the bar which kept spirits up - even with working card facilities till the internet finally gave up. Several teams called themselves appropriate names from Non Illuminati to Darkness and Twilight Zone which added to it all.
With ticket sales, donations and a terrific raffle, over £1,360 was raised.
A HUGE thanks to everyone who made the event possible in such difficult circumstances - proper community spirit at its best, and the wonderful Mr Dedicoat at his finest too!