Saturday 11 January 2025
Kids 'N' Craft
10 - 11.30am
£6 per child
“Kids ‘n’ Craft” is a monthly art and craft club for children aged 5 -to 11 years old, to be held at Catbrook Memorial Hall.
Each month we will focus on a different activity or two - we'll be painting, drawing, cutting, sticking, glueing and crafting - all whilst wearing an apron! Book a place and let your child’s creativity and imagination run free...
Children must be registered with us to join in, and you must book your place by the Monday before the class. Click on the logo to find all the details and to register or book your place!
Monday 20 January
Coffee & Craft
2pm - 4pm
Each month we try our hands at something fun so why not come along for a cuppa and a natter, and maybe try your hand at whatever craft we're attempting. It's very informal, so do join us! If you’d like a coffee or tea, that’s £1. If you’d like cake that’s £1 too. New friends always welcome, just come and see how informal it is!
CatBooks Book Club
Monday 20 January from 7pm - 8.30pm
This month we will be discussing "The funny thing about Norman Foreman" by Julietta Henderson who will be joining us live (online) from Australia!
Do come and join us - it's very friendly and informal and just £3 to cover hall hire and refreshments...
New members are always welcome - please click on the cat for more details.
Please make a diary note. Tickets will be £10, free for children U16 accompanied by an adult.
Tickets from
The brilliant Alison Neil returns with her latest one woman production. The show lasts about an hour, then there is an interval when the bar will be open , followed by a Q and A session with Alison. Always a super evening.
Friday 24 January at 7pm
Alison Neil performs
"Mrs Baker's Company"
Mrs Sarah Baker shone brightly as a theatre manager at the beginning of the 1800s. Starting as a child in her family's troupe at the famous Sadlers Wells pleasure gardens, she never learnt to read, but she could dance on a rope. Her family toured the country, classed as 'rogues and vagabonds' who could be run out of town or imprisoned at the whim of a local magistrate or mayor.
Sarah Baker formed her own company. Cheerfully optimistic, she fought to gain respectability. Her story reveals a precarious world of make-believe and slapstick, providing a touch of magic wherever the wagons stopped and the show began.
Alison Neil provides another inspiring and riveting tale and, as Mrs Baker herself would say, it shows what you can do with just three things: good health, hard work, good luck and some very good friends... She couldn't add up, either.
Saturday 15 February
"Ahoy me hearties!"
A rollicking evening of rousing
sea shanties!
Doors open 7pm, start time 7.45
A joyful evening of sea shanties with leading Sea Shanty Band: the brilliant Bois y Bryn. Enjoy the heritage of the sea, harmonious sounds, probably some bad jokes and maybe the opportunity to join in. The bar will be open of course! This promises to be a lively and entertaining night out!
Tickets £10, child under 16 free when accompanied by an adult but please book a place.
To book please e mail