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A466 Roadworks


Friday 18 June - the road is OPEN!!!
Albeit still with two sets of lights...

Friday 18 June 2021


Statement issued today from Stephen Baldwin (Project Engineer (Structures), Highway & Flood Management, Monmouthshire County Council)

"Works on the Wyndcliff site are coming to an end. It is proposed to remove the closure and reopen the road by the end of today (Friday). There are a number of outstanding works that will need to be complete and we will need to temporarily reinstall two-way lights for a short period to allow the workmen a safe area to complete these works.


We were also planning to complete repair works on a section on bank near to Tintern under the current closure but due to ecological issues the works could not be started.  Unfortunately we will have to return to complete these works at a later date but it is hoped that we can do this without a further closure."

Friday 11 June 2021 
LATEST PRESS RELEASE - A466 may re-open on 19 June

Please see the below statement from Stephen Baldwin (Project Engineer (Structures), Highway & Flood Management, Monmouthshire County Council)

"I just wanted to give you an update on the works on the A466 Wyndcliff site and the small slip approximately 2 miles north of the Wyndcliff on the outskirts of Tintern which currently have traffic lights either side to keep traffic away from the slip area. It has all been very fluid this week but It was proposed to take the opportunity of having the appropriate men and equipment available onsite to undertake works to make this slip safe utilising the existing road closure which is in place. No extensive excavation is required and the majority of the works take the form of anchors and netting similar to those works carried out recently on the Wyndcliff site. Works to repair the slip commenced this morning after obtaining approval of the necessary ecological method statements, the area being known for Dormice. While we didn’t find dormice the ecologists initial investigation earlier today found a live birds nest with a number of eggs within the area of the site. Therefore these works have had to be suspended until the eggs hatch and the chick’s fledge, typically 4-5 weeks. While unfortunate there is nothing we can do about this and at some point we will therefore need to return to complete. We will be shortly speaking with the Contractor to see if we can establish a method of working that can be undertaken under traffic light control without the need for further road closures but I will keep you apprised


With regard the main A466 Wyndcliff site works are coming to a close. There are outstanding fencing works to complete and a number of pull tests on the anchors are required to ensure that they have sufficient capacity. We can’t do this until the grout surrounding the anchors has reached sufficient strength which we won’t know until the results of the grout strength tests are returned from the Lab. While the pull tests themselves will only take a day we are not likely to get the lab results back to allow us to open the road for this weekend. In addition a snagging exercise was undertaken this afternoon which has highlighted a few concerns along the side slopes and these will require additional  anchors and netting to resolve. For the time being the road will have to remain closed until these issues are resolved but it is hoped that this will be by next weekend (19th June)"

Thursday 10 June 2021 
LATEST PRESS RELEASE - A466 closure to continue until 23 June

Please see the below statement from Stephen Baldwin (Project Engineer (Structures), Highway & Flood Management, Monmouthshire County Council)

“Works on the A466 Wyndcliff site are now coming to a close. However, there is a small slip approximately 2 miles north of the Wyndcliff site on the outskirts of Tintern which currently have traffic lights either side to keep traffic away from the slip area. We are taking the opportunity of having the appropriate men and equipment available onsite to undertake works to make this slip safe utilising the existing road close which is in place. No extensive excavation is required and the majority of the works  will take the form of anchors and netting similar to those works carried out recently on the Wyndcliff site.  


Works to repair this slip are currently underway and the proposed completion date is the 23rd June. This date will be dependent on how well the drilling works go but we will be able to provide further updates as the works progress. Unfortunately this does mean that the A466 will have to remain closed for the a short while longer but it was felt appropriate to do these works now rather than return at a later date. 


Local residents affected by these works have been informed and we will continue to allow pedestrians and cyclists through the site when it is safe to do so.”

The diversion route and Traffic Management plan will essentially remain the same, however the exact closure location will be moved ~2 miles north of the current closure location.


MCC apologises for any inconveniences caused, however the completion of these works will ultimately avoid further disruption in the future.

Monday 24 May 2021 

Press release from Monmouthshire County Council – A466 roadworks delayed following rockfalls.

Following consultation with contractors working on the stabilisation works above the A466 at Wyndcliff, Monmouthshire County Council has announced that the anticipated reopening of the road for the Whitsun bank holiday weekend will not be possible due to safety issues. This follows a potentially dangerous rockfall on the site on Friday 21st May.

The steepness of the rockface means that any rocks that fall might do so with such velocity that they could potentially breach concrete safety panels along the road. Additional rock has had to be removed where weaknesses have been exposed. To ensure road users’ safety, netting will now need to be installed to control any rocks and debris that come loose in the future.

A spokesperson for Monmouthshire County Council said: “This decision has not been taken lightly and we appreciate the disappointment and frustration this will cause among residents and businesses in Tintern and the surrounding area. However, the need to protect the safety of motorists and cyclists is paramount. Our immediate and ongoing priority remains to make the A466 safe, not just in the short term, but longer term. We’ll be discussing the matter further with the contractors later this week but at this stage we hope to reopen the A466 by 11th June. We’ll provide a further update at the end of this week.”

Tintern’s businesses are still open and accessible via the signposted diversion route. Drivers are asked to follow the diversion signs and not rely on a satnav, as many of the local lanes are very narrow with limited opportunities for vehicles to pass. Cyclists will still be able to dismount and use the A466 during the closure.

For the latest information visit:

Friday 30 April 2021 

UPDATE - the A466 will now close on 4th May


This from Stephen Baldwin: " Apologies for the late notification [It was 3.25pm] but we have only just been informed that we have achieved the required temperatures which will allow works to commence next week. The contractor will now be informed and the road closure of the A466 will take effect from the 4th May."

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